20 February 2010


every so often, i will be at the studio usually circa 3:48 in the AM, alone, [hungry] and stuck on a problem. whether or not the problem is coming up with a new concept, figuring out a design [mechanically and aesthetically], or just stuck on what to do next, i try to take my mind off the problem. i love to look at websites that interest me, old design magazines, watch films [documentaries are where it's at], draw, and take photos. i do these things to take my mind away from the problem. nine point three-seven-five times out of ten in the past, as soon as i've taken my seat, i've known what to do. [the other point six-two-five times i've had to eat a sandwich first]
so here is a list of things that inspire me :

1|filmsi love artistically directed films. say what you want about Wes Anderson, but you must at least admit his films have a beautiful style and are aesthetically pleasing. all those colors, the soundtracks, and the right angle filmography... anyway, while watching any film it opens up loads of ideas i never would have thought of before.

2|sketchingok, so i admit it. i haven't been keeping up on drawing as much as i would have liked to, but it's still my #2. whether it's exploring shapes, grandeur ideas or just doodling, it's something that i can go to and just draw for drawing's sake. sooner or later something good will come of it.

3| documentaries
one of my favorite things to do when i need inspiration or just bored is to watch documentaries. they can be about just about anything, really. i still will watch them. music, biographical, or any current issue.

4| ArchDailyarchitecture. architecture. architecture. i'm not sure how i found this site, but i love seeing all the new ideas in architecture. especially in space conservation and unique concepts of what a house or building can be. one name: Joshua Prince Ramus < [this is a link to TED.com which is my #5]

5| TED.comTED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design. it is a conference that is held every year in which the top thinkers, artists, scientists and people who want to make the world a better place share their ideas. after all TED's motto is "Ideas Worth Spreading". at this website, all the videos of the presentations are posted, so those of us who don't get the exclusive invitation can still see what goes on. some of the presentations are just unbelievable. just go to see for yourself.

6| photography
photography is one of my favorite things to do[it was my intended major prior to sculpture]. without it i wouldn't be able to convey many of my ideas, my progress and finished artwork to everyone who can't see it in person. i have created pieces in the past that now only exist in a photo. ahhh, the power of film.

self described "for your ideas + aesthetics + amusement". and that's exactly what it is. you can also submit websites to be posted.

8| Yanko Design i know i've talked about it before, but this place is awesome for getting your mind going on design. it talks about concepts, student designs, and products.

9| other people working in the studio
when stuck anywhere in the making process, it's important to ask other people. "what do you think about this?" , "how would you fix this problem?" , or "does this look funny to you or am i just going crazy from lack of sleep and overdosing on caffeine?" are only a few of the commonly asked questions to be answered around the studio.

10| sleep and food
you need them.

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