26 June 2011

this place reminds me of Sloss...

s_11 from Ben on Vimeo.

 it shows how it was shot too, a pretty cool mini dolly

24 May 2011

BFA.... check.

well, the BFA show was a success, and i walked across the stage at the arena and was handed a cardboard envelop signifying my graduation at UWM.  

this is the group of everyone in the show, a total of 65! my chairs were right in front of where we lined up for the photo, so instead of having them sit there and look pretty, i got all four to be sat on in the photo! they're already being put to good use.

i'll upload more photos later, but just wanted to update yall

15 May 2011


this is a pretty cool site by a craftsman in portland, oregon.  
as he describes it,  it's a "Documents of Experiments, Style and Craft"

14 May 2011

"the american look" 1958

i found this short film by chevrolet on the "american look" in 1958. 
 the music is almost as great as the design 

13 May 2011

Goundie Memorial Scholarship 2011

this was a pretty nice send off at UWM, congrats to KT and Tina as well!

09 May 2011

cargo collective

so a while ago,  i discovered a webpage group called Cargo Collective -founded by artists and designers for artists and designers. after submitting my work i was invited to join.  so now that i've had more time on my hands since i've finished the chairs, i decided to get going on that site!  i now have a more portfolio oriented site up and running at www.cargocollective.com/christofedgarsander (soon i'll have my own URL)  i plan on continuing to update my blog here, but there's a link to this blog on that site, so check it out!

01 May 2011

Steel, Felt & Brass

 These chairs represent my exploration and research into material and function.  By respecting the inherent properties of the materials, I was able to create objects that are honest in both form and function.  Each component of this work is designed for either; strength, flexibility, support or comfort.  Thus, every detailed part is designed in a way that not only optimizes its inherent material properties, but simultaneously serves the overall function of the chair. 

[Steel, Felt & Brass : 2011 : Steel, felt, brass]

27 April 2011

in the details

i just finished my chairs, here are a few detail shots while i sort out the photos...

18 April 2011

cool interiors..

just found this article about New York city designers, Evan and Oliver Haslegrave.  i love the furniture they've collected for their work space

finishing touches...


 [getting all my parts together...]

so i have a week until i have to photograph the finished peices and two days after that, 
i turn everything in. 

[by the way, i AM further along than these photos let on, 
i'm just waiting until i'm done to show you folks everything...]

06 April 2011

a little turning action

i ended up quickly turning these brass pieces for the chairs on the lathe...

 even though it's not bolted down, it works great for this simple process.  
i'm so glad i found this lathe when i did, it's already making my life easier

02 April 2011


the jig worked perfectly, now i have four chair frames that are copies of each other...

21 March 2011

been grinding away...

(thanks for the photo Frankie!)

11 March 2011

steel, steel, and more steel

i've been getting the steel cut down to size, and even started to weld and file up some parts...

05 March 2011

jigs [and the metal] falling into place

well, bending is going surprisingly well.

each chair should end up consisting of these 10 pieces and a single piece of felt

after working at Jordan's (Wanner Sculpture Studio) for a year, i got a good sense on how to go about sculpture making in the professional setting. doing things once, and doing them right. it takes weeks to plan, calculate, and rethink, but it's worth it. i'm feeling pretty good at this point knowing i have 50 days until i have to hand in my BFA, photos and all.

one man's trash is another man's treasure

2 years ago in Birmingham, Alabama during Sloss' National Conference on Cast Iron Art, i found this case, among a pallet full of them that someone had donated to be given away. they seem to be cases used for knee-replacement kits. they had little separators and holders riveted into the bottom of the case to hold whatever drill, or hammer or tool filled that spot. pretty cool, but i took out the rivets and re-riveted them so it could hold my angle grinder and accessories. it works pretty well!

by the way, that angle grinder was one of two i dug out of the trash a year ago. all i did was replace the brushes on this one with other grinder's brushes and put an extra plug on it. and now i have my own 4 1/2" angle grinder. [for free]
